Pérez Art Museum Miami – Define your taste!

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Don't Miss Visiting | 0 comments

The more you look at art, the better you will understand your own taste. Let’s take a stroll through the museum.

The new Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is an integral part of the redevelopment of the downtown waterfront on the Bay of Biscayne. One of the neighborhoods near this station is the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science which is a popular museum for families in the area. The neighborhood also offers freeway access which connects mainland Miami with Miami Beach. Simultaneously oriented toward the park, the water, and the city, the new PAMM is a welcoming and inviting public art museum that is accessible from all sides alike

The Perez Art Museum, which has been collecting art since 1996, is now a museum of international renown. The museum is focused on 20th-century and contemporary art, as well as the cultures of the Atlantic Rim, which include the Americas, Western Europe, and Africa. At the time of the new museum’s opening, the museum had a total of 1,800 objects in its holdings, including nearly 500 that had been acquired in 2013. The museum has a powerful permanent collection that ranges from the second half of the 20th century up to modern-day. Much of the current art collection has been donated, with 110 pieces coming from Jorge M. Pérez.

PAMM has four different types of galleries: Overview, Focus, Project, and Special Exhibition. They occupy part of the first floor as well as the entire second floor. The connecting tissue between the other gallery types is displayed in the “Overview galleries”, which are located in every section of the museum. The fluidity of their connectivity means that they are able to seamlessly bridge spaces together in an intuitive way so that one space can flow easily into another. Along this flowing sequence of interconnected rooms, single enclosed spaces are punctuated by large windows that reveal an individual artist or a theme. These spaces show a specific collection or a commissioned work of the museum. The galleries are called “Focus” and “Project”. They help you find the information you need quickly. The fourth type of gallery, the Special Exhibitions rooms are designed to accommodate the demands of contemporary art exhibitions. They are spacious exhibition halls that make it easy to display large-scale installation pieces as well as provide ample space for visitors to walk around such pieces. The building’s Overview, Focus, and Project galleries are a sequence of galleries that vary in proportion and relationship to the outside. On the other hand, Special Exhibitions galleries are adaptable and versatile. They have fewer entrances but can be subdivided by temporary walls when necessary.

The Perez Art Museum Miami’s (PAMM) artistic installations also leverage greening systems as a part of the exhibit. For example, the hanging gardens are a representation of how modern art can be incorporated into a greening system in order to create an overall positive experience for visitors. They are a great example of how the natural world can be brought in and integrated seamlessly with our modern life.

Visit The Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) Now!

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