Chaos Unfolds in Miami as Driver Smashes Cars, Flees Police

by | Nov 21, 2024 | Miami News | 0 comments

A chaotic scene unfolded on Southwest 41st Street and 72nd Avenue in Miami on Wednesday as Kevin Paul Prater, wanted for charges including threats against police, extortion, and stalking, smashed into several cars while fleeing from authorities. Miami-Dade Police attempted to arrest Prater at his home, but he sped off with his father in the truck. Trapped in traffic, he caused further damage before surrendering.

Witnesses described the event as “like a scene from a movie.” Prater faces additional charges for reckless driving, fleeing police, and assaulting an officer. His father, Edie Prater, who was a passenger in the vehicle, was unharmed and will not face charges.

Prater’s wife, Barbara, stated that her husband suffers from PTSD and has a history of conflict with her sister, leading to multiple restraining orders. She also noted that he was on probation for previous felony convictions. Despite the turmoil, authorities are grateful that no injuries occurred during the incident.